"Become a possiblitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities- always see them for they are always there."
Norman Vincent Peale
Open hands, open mind, open heart has been my mantra this year. Really becoming open to whatever comes my way. I think we get stuck sometime in wanting things to go the way we want them to. I must have this job! I must have this partner! I must have this house! On and on we go spinning around in the same vicious circle. I'm learning how to just be with whatever is happening. Pema Chodron often says "this moment is the perfect moment." How true, even though we don't always see it that way. The victories are time to celebrate. The setbacks are opportunities to learn and grow. Part of having good overall health and well-being is taking care of our emotional health. Our thoughts set our emotions. If you are thinking about how horrible something is then you will begin to take those thoughts into your body. Maybe your stomach will ache, maybe your heart will pound. Soon those physical sensations may become unbearable. I could easily give the advice to just "think happy thoughts," but does that really work? We can't all live a Pollyanna life so how do we handle things in a realistic manner? Try reframing your thoughts. Instead of focusing on what is wrong, focus on what you can learn from the experience. How this yucky thing can make you a stronger smarter more compassionate being. You may not be able to change the situation but you can change your response and attitude towards it. Friends, I hereby challenge you to think differently. Try a new approach when those negative and not at all helpful thoughts sneak into your brain. Reframe, regroup and move forward into possibilities! Become a possibilitarian!!!! Until next time.
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