Thursday, April 24, 2014

Seven Areas of Wellbeing

Bad Blogger!! My apologies friends. I have been neglectful of my blog. Why? Well, I will have to lay the blame on the big E-G-O. Not being sure if people are actually reading my blog makes it hard to sit and pour out my creativity (Are you hearing that tiny violin?. But, I needed to remind myself that just like with meditation, you just show up! No expectations, no agenda, no goal. I like to blog because I like to write and I like to share what I know( or at least what I'm processing in the moment). So here I am, showing up. I hope you join me. But if not, I'm okay on my cushion, er at my computer content with my thoughts!

I am studying for my Wellness Coach certification and really reflecting a lot on this theme of wellness. Wellcoaches School of Coaching identifies the seven areas of well-being as ...
  1. Life Satisfaction
  2. Energy
  3. Mental and Emotional Fitness
  4. Exercise
  5. Nutrition
  6. Weight
  7. Health
I looked on the web and there are alternatives, I found the seven demensions of wellness but since I have my training with Wellcoaches, I can more easily identify with their 7. I thought it would be interesting for the next few weeks to really dig deep into what each of those areas mean. Of course for each person they will look different but I thought a general investigation would be interesting. So stayed tuned!!!

Be Well Friends

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