Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What Do You Do When....

Being a mom is probably the most generous job on the planet. You are constantly putting your kiddos needs in front of your own. It seems to just happen without a whole lot of thought. Recently in working with my own wellness goals, I decided to make a commitment to take a group fitness class at the gym 3 times a week. I love going to the gym, I could live there! I'm also much better at doing classes versus working out on my own. I love the camaraderie, the energy, I have just always really loved being in a class. As you can see getting to the gym is not a problem for me. But.... I have these two little creatures that live with me and after a long day at school they don't want to go to the gym with mom and wait in childcare until I'm finished. Especially when it's nice out, they want to hang out at home and play outside. Who can blame them really. So I've had to come up with a Plan B. Even though I like getting to the gym and taking yoga, cardio kickboxing whatever there are days when that is just not going to happen. I stumbled on my Plan B while on Pinterest. They have great workout routines that you can print and use at home at your own pace. A lot of the ones I like come from a site called Fit Sugar. It's actually nice to go at my own pace. I play the songs that get me moving and I'm saving a lot of time since I don't have to wrangle the kids, drive to the gym, find a parking spot etc. I am still going to the gym when I can but when I can't make it I know I have other options. I also decided that when I need to go for a run, obviously I again have the same problem, what do I do with my kids? I came up with my other Plan B for that as well. I can run up and down the parking lot right in front of my townhouse. The kids can stay home and I can get my cardio in. The neighbors may think I'm crazy running up and down and I'm sure I may get bored but we have to do what we can to take care of our own health. Who else is going to take care of us? So I ask you friends, what is your Plan B when your own workout plans don't make it? 

Be Well Friends

Friday, March 14, 2014

Size Matters

Lots of discussion right now about the new Nutrition Labels that the FDA is working on. They haven't been changed in about 20 years, but our bodies and eating habits sure have! The new labels are supposed to reflect actual serving sizes. Do you spend a lot of time reading labels? They can be a bit confusing. Will the changes make it easier for everyone to understand? We will see. Here is a great article from NPR highlighting the big changes. In the meantime, it is good to talk about and be mindful of portion and serving size. We all know that portion sizes have increased dramatically over the years. Many of us are still active members in the Clean Plate club that our moms made us join. Being a member of this club today can be detrimental to your health.What is portion size versus serving size? Portion size is the amount of a single food item served in a single eating occasion such as a meal or snack.Think about how much we are offered every time we go out to eat or open a bag of something. Serving size is the standard unit of measuring food. How many servings are we actually consuming when we eat that plate of pasta from Pasta, Pasta, Pasta Restaurant (not a real restaurant, I hope!) Often we are eating what looks like one portion because that's what we've been served or what we serve ourselves, but it's actually 2 servings.
So what are some strategies we can use to battle the ever growing portion size?

  • When eating out before you meal even hits the table ask for a to-go box. When your food arrives immediately put half(or more than half) in the box. Sometimes the server can even box it up before hand for you, if your worried about the temptation to eat all of it.
  • Think about your dinner plate. Dinner plates have become a lot larger. You don't need to fill your plate. You could even try using a salad plate for your meal. You will be amazed at how much less you will eat but you will still feel full.
  • Try not to sit down to the table hungry. Have some fruit, or a small salad before your meal so you want feel as tempted to overeat.
  • If you are having a snack, measure out a serving size and put it in a bowl rather than eating out of the bag or box. 
These are just a few suggestions. What are some other ideas you've tried? Let me hear you friends!! If you want to test yourself take the Portion Distortion Quiz from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. It is very eye opening and it's actually fun to take. Knowledge is power! Be Well Friends!!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Thoughts On Wellness

Sorry I haven't been as faithful a blogger as I usually am. I have been super busy( who isn't) studying for my well coaching exam. I'm nervous as a cat about it, but absolutely thrilled at the same time. I can't wait to get started helping people on their own journey to wellville!!

I've been thinking a lot more about this whole idea of wellness. Unfortunately, whenever I mention that I'm studying to be a wellness coach people immediately say "oh I could use that I need to lose weight." Losing weight does not equal complete wellness. It can be a part, but not the total package. So let's look at wellness and wellness coaching.

What is wellness?  Wellness is living your best life in body, mind and spirit.Wellness is finding your optimal physical, mental and spiritual health.  Just as every person is different and has different needs and desires, wellness looks different as well. Ask yourself, What does peak wellness look like for me?

What is Wellness Coaching? Wellness Coaching is a partnership between coach and client to connect the dots between who they are and who they want to be. A wellness coach supports their client in taking action towards reaching their desired goals.

I love the above quote. I really think it sums up how we should approach wellness. If we don't take care of our "home" who will. Sometimes having the support of a coach can give us the boost we need to find our best selves. On that note friends, I'm looking for practice clients to work with to prepare for my certification exam. If you are interested please let me know. It is absolutely free!!!! We can work over the phone, so location is not a problem.

Be Well Friends

Saturday, March 1, 2014

VB6 and Me (part 2)

Okay folks, I've been a VB6'er for the past week and a half or so. I think it is a great way to rethink your eating patterns unless... you're like me and when someone says eat what you want, you go bananas!!! My days have been filled with fruits and veggies. Lots of soups and salads and nuts. However by dinner time I'm starving. This is not a VB6 problem this is a me problem. I've always been like that (I don't snack a lot). So with a hunger pain in my belly and a tiny Mark Bittman on my shoulder saying eat what you want,( and as I said last post, I know I'm stress eating) let's just say it hasn't been the prettiest picture. My dinner has been fine but it's that post dinner glass of wine or cupcake (or two) that has gotten me in trouble. Soooo I'm pretty sure go bananas was not how Mr. Bittman pictured people using the VB6. It's all about interpretation!!

In coaching we don't call meeting goals a win or lose situation, we call them win/ learn. We also call goals experiments, because that is exactly what they are. Taking something you want to do and seeing how you can make it work for you. Maybe making a goal of exercising 5 nights a week for an hour at a time is an experiment you set. If it works great, if not what else can you try. Maybe 5 nights a week but only a half hour each time. Or maybe it's three nights a week instead. It's all about honoring who you are and what works best for you. When I'm teaching yoga, I always tell me students it doesn't matter what I'm doing or what your neighbor is doing. It's your body! You have to honor yourself!

As far as me and Mr.Bittman we are still friends. I really do like the VB6 I just need to make it work for me. Maybe adding a small meal between 2:30-4:30 pm that would sustain me a bit more until dinner. Perhaps having some healthy dessert alternatives on hand will help. Maybe I need to have an earlier dinner time. There are lots of choices for me to try. After all it's only an experiment and I'm out to win/learn!!
Be Well Friends